Tuesday, 18 March 2014

March Giveaway : newsletter!

Even though part of me thinks it is so 2002, I've decided to set up a Maze & Vale monthly newsletter. Once a month, if you're interested and sign up, it will arrive in your inbox with a short update on what designs and colours have been added to the shop and share the date Sample Packs will be listed that month along with the odd surprise sale, discount code, free pattern or giveaway. Sound good? Head to the sidebar on your right where it says "Join the M&V monthly newsletter" and pop your email address in -->

To kick this newsletter business off, at the end of the month I'll be giving away a mystery pack of FIVE handprinted fabric panels to one lucky member of the mailing list. Sign up for the newsletter and you're already entered, easy peasy.

I've started a Maze & Vale newsletter and there is a giveaway at the end of the month involved! Head to my blog or Facebook page to join the making list :)

And to further whet your appetite, I'm also going to be doing a SURPRISE shop update in the next week or so with Sample Packs, new panels and a few other treats I have up my sleeve – I will be sending a note out to the newsletter mailing list a good 12 hours before I share the update anywhere else online so if you want first dibs, sign up pronto!


  1. Great idea, I'm in! I love the close up shots of your sample packs above too.

  2. I love a newsletter too but oops, I spelt the email wrong first time - sorry! I just re- entered it correctly :)

  3. Done! Thanks for a chance to win some gorgeous handprinted fabrics!


I love to hear your thoughts, thanks so much for taking the time to comment! If you have a question to ask, I will answer it here (and by email as well, if I can track down your email address). I would love to reply to every single comment but until Blogger makes it easier to reply by email, please know that I am so happy you stopped by : )