Sunday, 6 October 2013

Last call for The Craft Sessions registration

FedEx just dropped off my vintage Speedball classroom kit for the stamp carving workshops I will be teaching at @thecraftsessions. To say I am excited is the understatement of the year!

I've been having a ball ordering supplies (like the new condition, vintage Speedball classroom kit I scored on eBay and had shipped from the US - so exciting!) and working on my lesson plans for the workshops I will be teaching at The Craft Sessions in three short weeks! Registration is open until October 10th so you have four more days to decide to treat yourself to a weekend of inspiration, creativity and all around good times (I've heard the food is going to be pretty great, too). There are still a couple of spots left in my Block Printing on Fabric (where you'll get to use the super cool tools above) and my Freeform Patchwork workshops plus a ton of other great workshops to choose from!

1 comment:

  1. Oohh can't wait!! (I'm doing both your workshops actually!)


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