Thursday, 20 June 2013

Quilting Evidence

Strip cot quilt

Strip cot quilt

Yes, proof that I do still entertain my long abiding love of quilting every now and again. The cot quilt above I actually finished an embarrassing 4 months or so ago and it got swept up in market madness, never to be shown here. When I cut panels, I often end up with strips of fabric left over and these I keep in a big bin with other plain offcuts to be printed at the end of print runs. Nothing goes to waste around here, I use the printed offcuts as parts of my sample packs (along with the good bits trimmed off of misprinted panels) but these strips are usually too thin to include in the packs. I had quite a big collection of them and to make the cot quilt, I chose the blues, greys, linen and yellows and just started piecing them together freeform, which ever piece fit with whichever piece in length.

And over the past few months my collection of strips has grown again. I still had one good long row pieced, leftover from the cot quilt so I decided to make another quilt top, a larger, throw size and to use any and all of the strips to create it, regardless of colour. It was a great exercise to see how my palette works together and I totally love the freedom to just piece by shape. I finished the quilt top the other week and now just need to find the time to baste and quilt it. Times like these I really wish I had a little assistant to do my dirty work ; )

Strip quilt top


  1. Your fabric is so pretty! I'd buy your scraps!

    1. Thanks so much, Sarah! Look out for some Sample Packs next month, they are all sorts of scrappy goodness : )

  2. I like the low volume prints... awesome... and strips go together so quickly and easily. Nice job!

  3. love your work Leslie!

  4. Love your work, nicest colours and tones.

  5. Anonymous8:30 am

    Try fax seed oil pills for the eczema. : ) good luck!

    1. Thanks for trying to help! I did take flax seed oil for about 6 months but it really messed with my cycle, I had my period every 3 weeks for four months and it went back to normal as soon as I stopped the flax oil : ( (sorry if this is TMI!)

  6. My first comment disappeared! Just wanted to say that I am new to your blog and I love your fabrics. The more I look at the colours and prints in your quilts, the more I love them. Just beautiful!

  7. Anonymous3:34 am

    I thought I had a gluten issue within the last year, but my doctor put me on a dairy free diet first just because it was easier to follow. No more stomach problems and the bonus was that my eczema, which I've had since infancy, cleared up also.


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