Friday, 21 June 2013

Comment replies coming right up

Many Moons yardage

I am ridiculously excited because I finally took the time to figure out why the Blogger comment reply system that they released last year wasn't working on my blog. A little tinkering with my template here and there and YES! I can now reply to each individual comment! : )  : )  : )

Also, I spent most of yesterday printing this super fun, two colour Many Moons yardage - yes, YARDAGE, people. You will be able to order fat quarters or by the meter as soon as I get it into the shop this weekend - hooray!


  1. Yay for yardage! I know that's not an easy thing to pull off! I love the double colors.

    1. Thanks, Krista!! Here's wishing me some good weekend photography so I can actually get them in the shop as promised - fabric is so hard to photograph!

  2. Beautiful, beautiful fabric! And, yay for reply to comments!

  3. Ooh you always choose such lovely colour combinations Lesley!

  4. Yah! I love it Leslie :) Kx

  5. Oooh - how did you figure that out? Mine stubbornly refused to let me do replies. Grrr!

    1. I found a few articles about it (here's one and in the end I went into my template and restored all my widgets to default settings. Go to Template, Edit HTML, then in the top right hand corner, there should be a button that says "Revert Widget Templates...", click that and hopefully it will work like it did on mine : )

  6. great work, i think this post reminds me of what i saw on

  7. Love, love, love this fabric!! The colourways are perfect too - I think some new cushions are in order.


I love to hear your thoughts, thanks so much for taking the time to comment! If you have a question to ask, I will answer it here (and by email as well, if I can track down your email address). I would love to reply to every single comment but until Blogger makes it easier to reply by email, please know that I am so happy you stopped by : )