Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Melbourne Finders Keepers:: lots of new goodies!

And here's the reason I have been so absent around here of late, too busy preparing lots of stock and dreaming up new items to sell at the fabulous Finders Keepers market here in Melbourne this weekend! I was hoping to get some proper pics of the new goodies I'll be debuting but with school holidays and last minute prep, it just ain't happenin' - here are some Instagram shots instead:
Mmm, pale blue and charcoal on linen... These might be my favourite.
Polka dot printed linen tea towels. Simple and effective : )
Minty blue and wheaty yellow for today's polka dot efforts
New polka dotty 100% linen teatowels in three fun colour combinations...

Dropcloth foldover tote prototype in the works : )
Brand spanking, limited edition, dropcloth foldover totes...

Little snap wallets, all in a row...
Snappy new little printed leather card wallets...

Prototyping little printed leather bags. Yes?
and little printed leather bags, perfect for toting your wallet and phone.

Plus my usual bucket totes, cushion covers, dropcloth artwork, oobee and diy oobee kits, fabric panels, fabric sample packs AND for the first time ever, a big basket of misprinted panels at $5 a pop!! Hope to see you there! Out of town folk, I have been working my buns off to make LOTS of stock so that I will have some left for my Etsy shop so look out for an update late next week : )

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! I'm planning a visit to the Finders Keepers Market Friday night, so will be keeping an eye out for you, I'm hoping to buy some fabric sample packs. Love the new items!


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