Saturday, 23 March 2013

Mailout deadline for Handprinted: a fabric swap III

Handprinted fabric - kids and sun TURQUOISE ink
Screen printed by Amy.
Hanprinted fabrics
Various hand printing techniques by Suz of SewPony, all with great results!
Handprinted Fabric Swap. So far.
Awesome triangles and overprinting from Bec.
The deadline for mailing out your handprinted fabric is fast approaching - Monday, in fact!! If you're running behind, please send your group an email to let them know when they might expect it. I have to admit that I haven't sent mine yet either but they are ready to be wrapped up tomorrow night and popped in the post first thing Monday morning. Again, so much amazing work is popping up in the Flickr group and I've also seen some great stuff from Instagram pals. Can't wait to see what shows up in my post box, so exciting!


  1. Thanks for showing my fabric Leslie :) I can't wait for the post man to drop four fun parcels through the door!!!

  2. Thanks for including my photo! I had heaps of fun making up my squares and had success with the textile medium I was asking you about - details are on my blog. Looking forward to seeing what I receive:) thanks for organising this great swap! Suz

  3. Printing is my main priority this weekend! I'm really, really trying to figure out if I can do a screen but I'm overwhelmed at the exposure issues, so my backup is a lino stamp. I'll mail on Monday for sure!

  4. I totally forgot about the Flickr group! Oh well, no matter... just glad I'm finished actually. I'm posting off on Monday too :) Kx

  5. Just finished mine up (and put up a post about it) and winging their way to the other side of the globe! So fun - thanks for the kick to get creative.

  6. Phew, all mailed! (One day late, oops!) I'm so glad I signed up for the swap - just the incentive I needed to get creative! Thanks so much for hosting it Lesley. Can't wait for the next swap! :D
    Blogged here:

  7. Having such fun, not quite done. Had to go out of town last week,family here this week...but I hope to finish and mail out very soon! No addresses to email my swap partners.

  8. No worries, Bonnie! The addresses for your swap mates are in the To: section of the email with all the swap details.


I love to hear your thoughts, thanks so much for taking the time to comment! If you have a question to ask, I will answer it here (and by email as well, if I can track down your email address). I would love to reply to every single comment but until Blogger makes it easier to reply by email, please know that I am so happy you stopped by : )