Monday, 4 March 2013

I'm in Mollie Makes!!

I have been waiting and waiting to share (gloat) this and finally, finally my copy of the latest Mollie Makes magazine has arrived and look! Look!

Finally got my hands on the latest issue of Mollie Makes magazine and look! There's me!! @molliemakes #molliemakes

That's me in there!! I am so crazily thrilled, thanks so much to all the folk at Mollie Makes for this little feature and to my gorgeous pal, Jo for the only photo of me I've been happy with in years!


  1. Oh bless you, I had been resisiting joining the hanprinted swap, but after I saw this in MM a couple of weeks ago I decided it was serendipity, and I should just sign up anyway! :)

  2. Oh fabulous .... congrats ! :)

  3. Spotted you a little while ago - great photo! - well done! Juliex

  4. ah! that is so awesome!!!!!!!! Congratulations :)

  5. Congratulations! A well deserved feature. And you do look beautiful in the pic :)

  6. yay for you!! i love mollie makes

  7. Congratulations, Leslie. Great photo of you!

  8. Fabulous! Congratulations Leslie. Kx

  9. Yay, looks great and great photo!

  10. Congratulations Leslie! MM is such a great magazine. In fact, that's how I found your page and swiftly signed up for the hand printed swap. Your blog is packed with information as well as being inspiring AND honest. Thank you from a new follower!

  11. Yay for you! That is awesome and you look so glow-y and happy and lovely! I love that magazine and love the way the focus on the beautiful people making good you!


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