Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Handprinted: a fabric swap III update

Wow, lots of amazing work already showing up in the handprinted: fabric Flickr group! Here are a few examples but be sure to click through to the group to check it all out:

hand printed fabric: final 4 prints
Gorgeous designs and a great, detailed blog post on her process from Craft Kitty.
Hand shadow dove
Stunning dove design created with hand carved stamps and a stencil by Marilla Walker.
art 012
Amazing stamped fabric by Monique.

And as for me, I decided to finally get my EziCut stencil material out of it's packaging and give it a try. I cut a simple design of organic stripes using a box cutter (an Exacto knife would probably be better for more detailed or finer designs) and thought it would be interesting to try a multicolour, layered print with them. For screen printing, you use this stencil material the exact same way you would use a paper stencil, as shown in my tutorial here.

EziCut stencil material for screen printing
Stencil vinyl cut and ready to use...

first layer of stripes
First layer of stripes printed. I'm loving it at this point...
And here are my final prints...
handprinted stripes
handprinted stripes
handprinted stripes
handprinted stripes

While I don't absolutely hate them, I have to say that I don't really love them at all either... The colours, which looked so great together in my head, somehow don't work for me, even though I switched the yellow for a pale green in my second batch. I do think they will look really great when made up into something, maybe a cushion cover or a little zipper pouch. The print got favourable reviews on Instagram so I'm hoping that my swap buddies won't be as nonplussed about it as I am! It was really very fun to play though and great to have an excuse, otherwise my EziCut might have stayed in it's package for three more months. Now I'm already plotting my next stencil design and am thinking about printing some panels of single layer stripes...


  1. Oh my goodness that is pure gorgeousness!! I love your colours and those lines are fab!

  2. love the lines and colors!!!

  3. When you printed the lines, was your stencil as wide as your fabric? Or did you line up all those stripes across a big piece of fabric ? Which is something I would love to do, but am chicken about lining stuff up.

    And I love the doves too.

  4. Hi Georgine, do not fear! My stencil was only about 35cm wide but I didn't worry when printing over top to reach the edges, just let the lines fall as they may. The beauty in handprinting is the imperfection, that's what makes each piece unique. Play! Have fun! xx

  5. Leslie, thanks for the encouragement! I will give the a try.


I love to hear your thoughts, thanks so much for taking the time to comment! If you have a question to ask, I will answer it here (and by email as well, if I can track down your email address). I would love to reply to every single comment but until Blogger makes it easier to reply by email, please know that I am so happy you stopped by : )