Tuesday, 26 February 2013

my blue period

Stack of blues

I found out last Friday that I'll once again be taking part in the Finders Keepers market here in Melbourne in early April so I scored a little bonus printing time over the weekend to start replenishing stocks. I'm putting together some special edition sets in shades of blue and am loving how striking my Quill design is against this deep teal basecloth...
And some nice Quill on deep teal basecloth for upcoming special edition sets

And a little sneak peek at a new design I'm calling Litterfall in Overcast ink, one of two newby designs I will have in my shop very soon...
Peek at another new design called Litterfall


  1. i will be sharpening my elbows ready to bustle through the throngs to get my hands on the teal, it is just the pop of colour i need.

  2. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous :) I used the piece of feathers I bought from you in my Pantone mini quilt. Yum!!

    Silkscreened? With arcrylic paint with fabric medium?? Can you tell I am trying to get myself prepped for the Handprinted Swap??!!!

  3. The quill on teal is stunning, love it. Have you got any tips on the best types of basecloth to use for the handprinted FQ swap? : )

  4. Thanks, folks! All of my work is screen printed by hand with Permaset inks (unless stated otherwise). I have a big post about fabric and ink options/choices that you can find here http://www.lesliekeating.com/2012/06/handprinting-get-to-it.html, there are a couple of great suggestions in the comments of that post too! can't wait to see what you guys come up with!

  5. Love the litterfall, brilliant new design. Juliex

  6. I love that teal! Will you be selling it in your etsy shop?

  7. beautiful! the quill on the teal is great :)


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