there is a new digital fabric printing option on the horizon, folks, and it's based right here in melbourne. i've been following the process of getting this business up and running on michelle's blog for most of this year, anxiously awaiting the announcement that they are ready for orders. i have a few designs in my head that i'm dying to get onto fabric and, being the impatient planner that i am, i emailed michelle to ask if i could take a peek at a couple of fabric sample to see what they will be printing on. she sent over a sample of their linen/cotton blend, a 100% quilting weight cotton and a cotton drill, all really great quality and weight. the linen/cotton is especially lovely, it's got my creative wheels turning away. can't wait for the launch!
oh and their letterhead is awesome and in no way blurry. that is me trying to take photos at 8am.
I am so looking forward to seeing what you're cooking up! Soon now!