wow, thanks so much for the super warm welcome back into the world of quilting, folks! i've had so many amazingly kind comments on no. 034 here and on flickr, where it actually made it to the explore page which kind of blows my mind because have you seen the photos that make it to the explore page?! they are awesome. and i got a few comments about what a great capture it is which sort of made me puzzled because really, the photo itself is pretty crappy and i had pondered trying to take the pics again before posting them because the way the light is showing through the quilt at the top was bugging me to no end. but whatevs.
plus grande old no. 034 was featured today on the very cool modern day quilts and i got an email asking for permission to show the quilt on another high profile blog (that i won't link to since it won't be up for awhile yet)! all in all, a very nice reception, indeed. i appreciate it all so, so much
: )
Congrats, Leslie! You certainly deserve the accolades!