Wednesday, 25 August 2010

little artist

little artist

mae is really into painting lately. i've found the easiest (read: cleanest) way is to squeeze little bits of watercolour paint onto the paper and let her go to town with a glass of water and a paintbrush.

mae's painting

mae's painting

mae's painting


  1. what a good idea, i must try that, do you use the tubes of watercolour? or the trays with the dry stuff?

  2. i use tubes of watercolour and a big pad of heavier weight paper. that way i can tear off sheets as we will them and let them dry.

  3. Good idea! I've been waiting for warmer weather so my two can try painting outside. This sounds like a good, (relatively) clean inside option.

  4. Nice work, Mae!!! Uncle Tony is beaming with pride over here! Maybe you guys can do a trade!


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