Wednesday, 28 January 2009

quilting in the heat

pram/basinette quilt

i have seriously been hit hard by the need to sew. it's like a compulsion. well, that and cricket season has started so it's either mindlessly watch that with shane* or retreat to my beloved sewing room to watch buffy episodes on my laptop and quilt the hours away. people keep asking me how i'm managing to get so much done and i have to credit cricket. that and doing a minimum of house work. i finished off this little pram/basinette quilt the other day (and yes, the pink and green quilt is done as well, i just need to find some decent light to photograph it in, hopefully today) as one of my new designs for the market in march. i remember when mae was small how frustrating it was to try and tuck larger blankets around her tiny basinette mattress and always thought that i needed to make her a smaller, lighter option. and then when the weather was unseasonably cool last month, i kept wanting something a bit nicer to use when i took her out in the pram, but still something that wasn't too bulky. so there you go, a nice, light, cotton quilt in some of my favourite fabrics. i had cut all these squares ages ago, i think when i was pregnant, for some other project, so this came together quite quickly. i have another one on the go for mae, another freeform scrap one using my next-size-up bits (i organize all my scraps by size and colour so they're handy to work with). here are some detail shots of this one:

pram/basinette quilt

pram/basinette quilt

*have i mentioned that mae loooooooves to watch cricket? it's pretty crazy. i mean, she loves to look at the tv anyway, not that we have it on all that much when she is awake, but she will sit and watch cricket with shane for ages. crazy! and cute. oh so cute : )


  1. Holy crap that is gorgeous. I really want to make one now! Damn work.

  2. oh! i spot some of my fabric favorites in the that little beauty. can't wait to see what else your sewing hands have been up to during cricket season. it's football for me. football makes me want to swat the tv with a hammer. and sew. and sew. and sew.
    that little mae of yours! how fast she is growing.
    love, lindsay

  3. Anonymous10:55 am

    I adore the spotty binding. Just gorgeous.

  4. Gosh, we've got the same fabric -- I spot several of my favourites. Love how they look so different in someone else's designs. (It's a good thing!)

  5. Anonymous9:48 am

    Hi Leslie,

    Your quilts made me drool! They are all so gorgeous and beautiful!! I have a question, do you use batting for your quilts? I like quilts but I live in the tropics and wonder what will it be like without batting.

    Will you have a tutorial on your quilts for us?

  6. thanks valerie! i do use batting but, because we live in australia where it is also pretty hot most of the year, i use quilter's flannel as a batting. it's thick enough to give the quilts a nice weight but still be light enough to use year round. and i wish i could do more tutorials but my time just does not permit these days, i'm afraid!


I love to hear your thoughts, thanks so much for taking the time to comment! If you have a question to ask, I will answer it here (and by email as well, if I can track down your email address). I would love to reply to every single comment but until Blogger makes it easier to reply by email, please know that I am so happy you stopped by : )


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