Tuesday, 24 June 2008

amitie blog vip

i joined up with amitie's blog vip in may and received my first mailout last week...

amitie blog VIP

two lovely japanese print fat quarters - sweet! i put them both to good use over the weekend, using one as a shirt for a well dressed oobee destined for a lovely lady somewhere out there...

well dressed oobees

and the other for a bib i whipped up as a gift for yet another lovely lady somewhere out there...

gift bib


  1. Anonymous5:37 pm

    These are very sweet!! Very cute fabric :-)

    I meant to say, I know you copped some 'famous' feedback regarding bibs with ties a month or two ago....but seriously they are very functional and only a danger if the child is unsupervised.

    Besides, The Velcro ones are a pain to wash and the Velcro often comes unstuck and irritates the base of the baby's neck. Snaps are good but a danger if they aren't sewn on strongly and they aren't adjustable unless you sew on several.

    Oh man, you didn't want another bib essay I am sure :-P

    I've been taking bibs on and off all day so they're in my head at the moment!! Too much drool for one day!!

    You are inspiring me to make some baby stuff!

  2. I have to say, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the well-dressed Oobees - what an adorable development! The bib is also just lovely, with the super cute Japanese print fabric. How many more days of work do you have left? So exciting!!! I'm very impressed that despite the lack of sleep you're still so productive, and plugging away at so many lovely projects - nice work!

  3. A thousand million types of cuteness.....

    I have to agree on the well-dressed Oobee front - they are so cute in their little outfits!

    I'm gonna try and see if I can get on that mailing list - sounds like fun.....

    Leah xxxx

  4. darling fabrics! love the sweet bib. some happy baby will love to drool on this!

  5. nice work with the fabric, i can't wait for the next mailout!

  6. Anonymous10:29 am

    These oobees are just gorgeous. I particularly love the cute red pants :) The little round bib is super lovely as well, what cute fabric! I hope you and belly are both happy and peaceful.
    xx soul xx

  7. those oobees are so cute!!!

  8. All beautiful. It's like you have been on a nine month long nesting period - I think my nesting period lasted for 15 minutes in the waiting room at the birth centre in my 39th week when I decided to alphabetise the women's magazines.
    PS I'm also partial to a suited up Oobee!

  9. All so very gorgeous :)

  10. Love your sweet bib - the fabric was perfect! The AMitie mailout sounds like fun.

  11. Oh so cute! I love that fabric!

  12. Oh My.

    That sweet little well-dressed Oobee is now cuddling in my arms as I type, and I have to say - she is GORGEOUS!

    Thankyou soooooooo much - I love her, and the tea! and the cards!

    I am so well looked after - thanks so much.

    Your Ginger doll is cut out and waiting patiently to be stitched - expect a package chock full of goodness very soon!

    Love to you,

    Leah xxxx

  13. Anonymous9:37 pm

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