Wednesday, 30 April 2008

on my desk...

on my desk

...the usual mess of fabric and bits.


  1. you have found some really lovely florals--and that's not easy.

  2. Looks a lot like my desk!~ :)

  3. Ooh what a gorgeous desk. Now about the grumpy, welcome to the world of motherhood!! Actually things will improve I promise. Go easy on yourself and stop setting such high expectations. Ok thats my mothering done for the day. Enjoy this rainy, rainy Thursday :)

  4. Anonymous1:21 pm

    oh god. i really hope AG is being good to you guys. em here. from Na Thrang in Vietnam. are things really that bad? lets do lunch/op shop when i get back and you can give me the FULL story. i hope all else is well...if baxy gets too much he is welcome to come and stay at mad maggies for the night as a bit of relief :) speak soon...em

  5. Lovely fabic & bits. I love your bobbin box & the patiently waiting Oobees.

  6. Gorgeous fabrics on your desk - think it is cleaner than mine!

  7. i love 'on my desk' pictures. they're always such fun to look back on too.

  8. oh what a beautiful morning.
    lots to do there on that desk!
    lovely spot.


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