Friday, 28 March 2008

oh you internet friends.

gift from lindsay

more delicious mail this week, this time from the lovely lindsay, whose blog makes me smile and think and want to reach out to others with my writing, just like she does so effortlessly. she made me the most stunning mei tai baby sling in the softest and most beautiful colours and included this wee envelope which almost brought me to grateful tears. i'm thinking i might need to clutch this wee silver heart very tightly in my fist during labour, just to remind me what it's all about, beyond the pain. everything was so beautifully wrapped and heartfelt, it makes me stop to think about how lucky i am, to know there are people out there who will spend their time, which we all know is so hard to come by, making and creating just to let me know they care. thank you, lindsay, again and again and again.


  1. Anonymous12:49 pm

    gorgeous fabric.
    and super sweet gift.
    lucky you!

  2. Anonymous5:55 am

    okay, so i'm crying now.
    are you happy?

    my baby girl just turned one.
    she IS my heart. more than
    i could have ever imagined
    she would be.

    she said "bath" last night...

    i am keeping up with you here and
    i hope you a feeling well and fit.
    please let me know what you want/need
    for your wee baby girl.
    i have many vintage fabrics in my
    sewing room just begging to be turned
    into girly bits and pieces.

  3. OMG. I am in tears - and so is my husband - I just couldn't help but read the quote out.

    My heart walks around each day in our two boys. Our four year old is getting more and more independent by the minute and we realise we can't keep him safe and sheltered anymore.

    Our four-month-old just found his hands this week. Seriously. Just stares and stares at his hands opening and closing. So special.

    Two safe pregnancies. Two safe births. Two loves of our loves who carry my heart with them each and every day.

    I wish you the same joy!

    I love your blog, too - I shall have to bookmark you :)

    All the very, very best

  4. i love knowing that sweet little package went from here to there safely. i hope that tiny heart sends you gallons of blog love energy during those early labor moments. thanks again for your sweet words. love, lindsay

  5. That fabric is so lovely. What a wonderful gift.

  6. A generous gift indeed. And I must say her handwriting adds the perfect touch to that saying.

  7. Anonymous12:43 am

    So beautiful and very true. That quote brings tears to my eyes everytime I read it.


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