Monday, 8 October 2007

yep, yes indeedy...

i sure did miss a day in my 30 day challenge, mmmm hmmm. actually the first slip up but second missed post if you count the night we were in bendigo. just got a little preoccupied with rearranging the house and setting up my wee craft corner yesterday:

temporary craft corner

that's a whole lotta wood, no? yeppers but do not fear, the wood paneling is coming down and new flooroards will replace the ones covered in old carpet backing, eventually. anyway, i'm just happy to have a bit of space to spread out my stuff a little and bring the desk and pine kitchen shelving thingy in from the back deck where it's been since april (undercover, at least but still needed quite a scrubbing down). on my desk you can just barely see my very favourite pale peachy roses from my garden and a couple of oobees, one a repair job for em as her kelpie ate the ear off (!) and one ready to be packed up and sent across the seas. i'm sitting here now, enjoying the sunshine and a cup of tea, trying to ignore the giant pile of dishes to be done in the kitchen, and getting ready to watch america's next top model on my laptop as i sew away the afternoon. see, i took today and tomorrow off work, and this, plus the next week and a half we're in western australia, and the day before melbourne cup that i'm taking off, uses up all of my currently accrued holidays but also means that i only have one full work week out of five. i decided that the best way for me to relax was to be at work as little as possible and hopefully all of this time off will make for a chilled out and happy, potentially pregnant, onegirl.


  1. i love it, i love it, i love it. wood is good. you have made the very best of a bad situation. i think its looks like a great place to get creative. hope that oobee is good to you and you do get to relax and make body baby ready! xx

  2. It looks just lovely! Dishes can ALWAYS wait. Enjoy your days off.

  3. Great workspace and I love all the wood. It looks like a little cabin in the woods!

  4. I love that little corner you've set up for yourself.... I think that if you don't like the wood panelling you should just paint it - there's nothing better than fresh, painted panelling, and it can really lift the room, but you get to keep the interest of the grooves in the walls..... yum!

    Good luck with Mission Relaxation - and the babymaking, too!


  5. Anonymous12:14 am

    What a nice little corner workspace you carved out for yourself. If nothing else the light is fantastic!

  6. Anonymous1:03 am

    Oh how I am jealous of your break from work!

  7. happy little corner, indeedy!. sounds like an excellent plan, leslie!!

  8. Anonymous10:27 am

    sounds like the perfect plan :)
    enjoy all that time to relax and you know i'll be crossing my fingers for the baby-making :)

  9. **oh! i'd love to send a little treat to the someday baby of a potentially pregnant onegirl.** email me your address if you get a moment. the anxious ache of waiting for your turn to mother a wee little version of yourself and the person you share your life with is overwhelming. i wish you the best!

  10. Sounds like a good plan! I hope you get some lovely relaxation time in during your time off work. :)

  11. Leslie - I thought this was from a Danish magazine - but no it's your crafting corner!

    Wow - I totally love it!!

  12. what a darling little spot you have there! i love it. babies are always so exciting, hoping your very own comes along soon :)

  13. Anonymous1:13 pm

    Your temporary craft corner looks good enough to be permanent. When I first saw the photo I thought it was pulled from a magazine. I love the little sewing boxes with the hinged lids.


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