Wednesday, 10 October 2007

tea for oobees?

now here's a bit of an odd request/proposition - does anyone in the US (or canada) want to trade some tazo tea for a custom oobee? i fell in love with berryblossom white tea while i was in canada and am down to my last three bags. when searching to find somewhere to order it from online, i discovered that tazo is also still producing my very favourite tea in the world, om, which i haven't been able to find for over 5 years! now i'm almost desperate to get my hands on some. i tried to order it from amazon but they won't send it to australia (it can be tricky getting tea through customs here but, according to the pamphlet i picked up at the post office, it should be fine if it doesn't contain any seeds or fruit pieces, which these ones don't) so i got to thinking that perhaps a bit of bartering might be in order... i have two custom oobees up for trades, at the barter of 4 boxes of tea each. one oobee for 4 boxes of berry blossom white, one oobee for 4 boxes of om - any taker?

and thank you all for your well wishes this week! now i'm relaxed and all warm and fuzzy feeling : ) to ruthie who asked whether baxy is coming on the trip, sadly no, although we did consider it! he's going to a lovely doggy bed and breakfast to hang out on their couch and play with their small dog. i'm so happy we found this home sitting service after his terrible experience spending three days at the kennel last year, it's going to make my trip so much more enjoyable to not have to worry about him. and to julie - the roses are pretty much getting by on their loveliness, they barely smell at all. i have some gorgeous, HUGE, yellow ones in the front yard though that more than make up for the peachy ones lack of odour!


  1. Um...hello I will find your tazo tea leslie! Especially for an oobee!

  2. Oooh shoot! Line me up as a second option, okay?

  3. leslie-- i feel confident that i can track down om! i'll shoot you an email when i've got my paws on some.

  4. mmm, I love OM too! Let me know if you would like any extra tea. I think I need to commission another Oobee since Gabe's is pretty tattered after many washings and being dragged EVERYWHERE. I swear I could do one of those roaming gnome commercials with "oobee"!
    p.s. LOVE that your posting all the time now! (even though I might not be as good)

  5. Anonymous12:01 am

    i'd be more than happy to help if any of the above fall through!!!

  6. Anonymous12:31 am

    I will help if you need any!

  7. Anonymous1:05 am

    Let me know if you come up short, I will be happy to send you some tea. I am sure that my baby would enjoy one of your creations!

  8. well, i'm not first in line to offer the tea in exchange for an oobee, but i'm game. i want one!

  9. have you ever tried Calm and Relax Tazo? oh my!!! i use one bag of each in a cup of is heaven in a cup! i'd be happy to send some!
    loves to a fellow Tea Lover!

  10. I'm way down the list i know but i'm happy to help. I have to little Canadian girls that wiykd love an oobee to share.

  11. I've not heard of the Berryblosson White Tea, but it sounds delish. I live in Portland, where Tazo is based, so if those above have a hard time finding it for you I would be happy to take a look. Just let me know!

  12. I just want you to know I would have done it for free good karma and the joy of helping out a fellow blogger (she said virtuously...)

  13. i've got a box of liptons here with your name on it :)

  14. Anonymous7:27 am

    Leslie ~

    Let me know ... I have seven just purchased boxes of this Tazo tea in my pantry.

    ~SarahBeth, Harvard, Massachusetts


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