spent some time playing around with my old camera and macro lens this afternoon. weeded the garden. planted all manner of vegetables and herbs. had a lovely day, really.
but i just faced the unpleasant certainty that i'm not pregnant for the ninth month in a row now and i don't have much more to say for tonight.
I truly do feel for you Leslie - have faith, it. will. happen... just think, now you can have so much fun on your upcoming holiday ;) ;)
ReplyDeleteThat aside, I am thinking of you during this difficult time xox
Hey Leslie, take it easy. A friend of mine just recently fell pregnant after trying for the last two years. They went to an alternative fertility practitioner who gave her some herbal remedies to regulate her cycle (because her cycle was too long, about 36 days or so) and then it happened. Have you tried this avenue? There's gotta be someone similar in Melbourne. Hope the info helps!
ReplyDeleteI didn't realise you were trying - I must have missed the reference.....
I will happen though - I'll assume you've had all the test and things and simply say; good luck....
awww sweetie. i wanna give you a big hug. i'm right there with you, i know how you're feeling. not sure if you've thought of this...but i've been thinking about it the past couple of months...acupuncture. i've heard wonderful things! if i get another negative this month...i'll probably give it a try. if nothing else, it's supposed to be very relaxing and i know the whole trying to conceive thing can get to be very stressful. huge hugs for you!
ReplyDeleteLeslie you are in my thoughts. You have this incredible gift of nurturing and giving to all that is around you and yes, I do know, even through our brief encounters via the internet that you are indeed a wonderful person who deserves a world full of incredible and special everything. I know these must be sad and difficult times.. I am sure of it but don't give up!!.. we are all here for you. sending you lots of hugs from chicago.
ReplyDeleteThe picture is lovely, the news not so much. Hope it will happen soon for you. I know exactly how you feel when the test shows what you don't want. Just try to remember that it takes quite a few people quite a while to get pregnant. I know it's easy to say, but try to relax. Take care
ReplyDeleteI've been there many a time, both mine were conceived using fertility treatment. I presume you are in the wait 12 months stage. Which can be diffcult as all you want to do is find out why it's not happening and get on with it. Take care Leslie and be comforted in the fact that we are all sending positive thoughts your way.
ReplyDeleteThe image is just lovely. Thinking of you & wishing goodness for you.
ReplyDeleteHi Leslie, without getting into personal nitty gritty I can give you the name of a chinese herbalist who specialises in fertility and women's health. He practises in the city and is very nice. Email me if you would like his details. info(at)arthurscircus.com
ReplyDeleteAll the best, Natalie
Oh no - that's the worst feeling. There's nothing helpful to say, is there?
ReplyDeleteI would definitely recommend acupuncture though, if you can find someone who specialises in fertility stuff. Take care of yourself, and good luck for next month. xw
It's hard. Took me a long time to fall pregnant with son number one. Such a rollercoaster each month.
ReplyDeleteThinking of you.
I'm sorry to hear about this latest disappointment - as corny as it sounds you just have to keep on trying (you know the old "if at first you don't succeed" thing). You are one of the strongest people I have EVER known, and combined with the ever-wonderful Shane, you guys will be indefatigable in your pursuit of parenthood - it WILL happen, albeit maybe not as soon as you'd hoped. Looks like the other commenters had some good suggestions for herbalists and stuff which might be worth a try. Also, a nice long holiday sometimes does the trick, as relaxation is the ultimate baby-elixir!
ReplyDeletelots o' luv, sarah
Hi Leslie, unfortunately I don't have any advice for you (since we're beginning to struggle with the same thing in our household) -- but I do have a welter of support and empathy for you. Don't lose hope, as many other commenters have said. I will keep you in my thoughts and best wishes!
ReplyDeleteIt took me nearly three years to conceive our son, and it eventually happened naturally. Let yourself have your down days, but pick yourself up quickly. Sending you the best of wishes.
ReplyDeleteah, crap. not much i can say to make you feel better but wishing the very best for you and shane. i really admire your honesty and think there are many people out there who have or are struggling with this and you sharing that journey would be helpful. xx
ReplyDeleteOh sweetie, that is tough... I wish I could say something to help, but I know nothing really will. Just know that you have lots of people thinking about you & sending you good thoughts/prayers.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure what to say to make you feel better, but, that, a baby will come. I am thinking about you and praying. I know it is hard to be patient when you have been patient enough already. Take care.
ReplyDeleteI am in the same boat (sigh). We've been trying for over a year and a half. Sadly, I'm not as brave as you to blog about it, though I've thought about it many times. It is just so frustrating. I'm spending a fortune on pregnancy tests and the fancy ovulation kits that give you the digital smiley face (which I highly recommend over the matched-the-lines type). And just when I'm sure we've done everything right... nothing. It's a wonder that there are so many unwanted pregnancies in the world.