Tuesday, 17 July 2007

lookin' for a little sunshine

irish the windsee

there are so many things for me to post about lately and not one drop of sunshine to take photos to accompany these things. we did have a lovely, sunny weekend but in between shopping for tiles and bathroom fixtures, cutting my hair, visiting savers, spotlight and safeway, cutting down yet another tree and bundling 4 cubic meters of twigs and branches, i didn't finish the laptop tote until after dark on sunday (and i didn't have any time to play with buttons as i had planned). i also need to post about a delightful order of books that arrived from amazon.com last week, a delicious jam-packed envelope of 1930s scrap fabric that i bought off etsy, and some divine recent thrift scores but all of these will have to wait - i'm off to queensland tomorrow and won't be back until late sunday night. goodbye rain! goodbye grey skies! goodbye hail! wish me sunshine and many glasses of wine, i'll see you all next week : )

*random photo of one of my favourite windsees to add a bit of colour into an otherwise photoless post.


  1. enjoy your holiday!!! Love your windsees, especially how you use the cross stitch piece...very clever!

  2. cant believe i have to share a room with your happy self. i was hoping we could suck on wine bottles and moan about work together ;)

  3. Anonymous4:11 pm

    I can relate, it is so hard to get a photo off lately. I have just started posting sub-standard photos - what can ya do?!?!

    Enjoy Queensland you lucky girl. What I would do for an opportunity to thaw out...

  4. so happy to have found your blog! enjoy queensland (and it's sunshine!).

  5. Hope you have a fun holiday! At least queensland getting temps in the 20s, which is better than the freezing spanner temps in melbourne and sydney. :-)

  6. Anonymous8:13 am

    That windsee is gorgeous, I love the cross stitch tummy panel. Hope you have a great time in Queensland!

  7. Have a lovely holiday, hope you come back tanned and relaxed and rested!

  8. have a lovely trip! love that windsee!

  9. Anonymous8:15 pm

    did you cut your own hair again? tsk! tsk!

  10. Have fun and say hi to the turtles.

  11. Anonymous8:11 pm

    hope you are enjoying QLd. It has been fresh and sunny here. that windsee is just b e a u t i f u l.

  12. Anonymous1:48 am

    hi leslie,

    i came across your great blog here and would like to introduce you to DaWanda, a new online platform for artists and designers.

    Please drop me a line for further info!

    Look forward to hearing from you,


  13. Anonymous1:49 am

    ps my email is elizabeth [at] dawanda [dot] com !

    : )

  14. Bwahah, I'm a bit late, but I hope you're having a grand old time!


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